- 第一个字段:8,0 这个字段是设备号 major device ID和minor device ID。
- 第二个字段:3 表示CPU
- 第三个字段:11 序列号
- 第四个字段:0.009507758 Time Stamp是时间偏移
- 第五个字段:PID 本次IO对应的进程ID
- 第六个字段:Event,这个字段非常重要,反映了IO进行到了那一步
- 第七个字段:R表示 Read, W是Write,D表示block,B表示Barrier Operation
- 第八个字段:223490+56,表示的是起始block number 和 number of blocks,即我们常说的Offset 和 Size
- 第九个字段: 进程名
- Q2Q — time between requests sent to the block layer
- Q2G — time from a block I/O is queued to the time it gets a request allocated for it
- G2I — time from a request is allocated to the time it is Inserted into the device's queue
- Q2M — time from a block I/O is queued to the time it gets merged with an existing request