struct SkipList<Key, Comparator>::Node {
explicit Node(const Key& k) : key(k) {}
Key const key;
// Accessors/mutators for links. Wrapped in methods so we can
// add the appropriate barriers as necessary.
Node* Next(int n) {
assert(n >= 0);
// Use an 'acquire load' so that we observe a fully initialized
// version of the returned Node.
return next_[n].load(std::memory_order_acquire);
void SetNext(int n, Node* x) {
assert(n >= 0);
// Use a 'release store' so that anybody who reads through this
// pointer observes a fully initialized version of the inserted node.
next_[n].store(x, std::memory_order_release);
// No-barrier variants that can be safely used in a few locations.
Node* NoBarrier_Next(int n) {
assert(n >= 0);
return next_[n].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
void NoBarrier_SetNext(int n, Node* x) {
assert(n >= 0);
next_[n].store(x, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Array of length equal to the node height. next_[0] is lowest level link.
// 这是一个数组,使用了C/C++中的柔性数组的能力。
std::atomic<Node*> next_[1];
typename SkipList<Key, Comparator>::Node* SkipList<Key, Comparator>::NewNode(
const Key& key, int height) {
// 根据指定的高度分配数组。
char* const node_memory = arena_->AllocateAligned(
sizeof(Node) + sizeof(std::atomic<Node*>) * (height - 1));
return new (node_memory) Node(key);
bool SkipList<Key, Comparator>::Contains(const Key& key) const {
Node* x = FindGreaterOrEqual(key, nullptr);
if (x != nullptr && Equal(key, x->key)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
template <typename Key, class Comparator>
bool SkipList<Key, Comparator>::KeyIsAfterNode(const Key& key, Node* n) const {
// null n is considered infinite
return (n != nullptr) && (compare_(n->key, key) < 0);
// 总是返回第一个大于等于key的前一个节点。
template <typename Key, class Comparator>
typename SkipList<Key, Comparator>::Node*
SkipList<Key, Comparator>::FindGreaterOrEqual(const Key& key,
Node** prev) const {
Node* x = head_;
// 1. 从最大的Level开始查找
int level = GetMaxHeight() - 1;
while (true) {
// 2. 遍历链表,找到第一个大于等于key的节点。
Node* next = x->Next(level);
if (KeyIsAfterNode(key, next)) {
// 没有大于等于key,并且还未遍历结束,继续在当前链表进行查找
// Keep searching in this list
x = next;
} else {
// 找到第一个大于等于key的节点或者当前level遍历结束了。
if (prev != nullptr) prev[level] = x;
// 如果是最后一层了,就直接返回
if (level == 0) {
return next;
} else {
// 切换到下一个level继续查找
// Switch to next list
void SkipList<Key, Comparator>::Insert(const Key& key) {
// TODO(opt): We can use a barrier-free variant of FindGreaterOrEqual()
// here since Insert() is externally synchronized.
Node* prev[kMaxHeight];
Node* x = FindGreaterOrEqual(key, prev);
// Our data structure does not allow duplicate insertion
assert(x == nullptr || !Equal(key, x->key));
int height = RandomHeight();
// 如果大于当前的最大高度就进行扩展,从最大高度到获取的随机高度之间设置prev为header
// 也就是在这个范围内,直接用header指针指向新创建的元素。
if (height > GetMaxHeight()) {
for (int i = GetMaxHeight(); i < height; i++) {
prev[i] = head_;
// It is ok to mutate max_height_ without any synchronization
// with concurrent readers. A concurrent reader that observes
// the new value of max_height_ will see either the old value of
// new level pointers from head_ (nullptr), or a new value set in
// the loop below. In the former case the reader will
// immediately drop to the next level since nullptr sorts after all
// keys. In the latter case the reader will use the new node.
max_height_.store(height, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// 创建新的节点
x = NewNode(key, height);
// 从level0开始,插入到每一层。
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
// NoBarrier_SetNext() suffices since we will add a barrier when
// we publish a pointer to "x" in prev[i].
x->NoBarrier_SetNext(i, prev[i]->NoBarrier_Next(i));
prev[i]->SetNext(i, x);